As you get older, you need to urinate more often and especially produce more urine overnight. Your sleep may be disturbed as you to wake up to go to the toilet (known as nocturia). Passing urine more frequently can simply be a result of drinking over the recommended 1.5 litres (or 6-8 cups) of fluids a day1 or taking on fluids towards the end of the day. Urine production will be stimulated by high intake of diuretics (things that cause you to pass more urine) such as caffeine, alcohol or certain medications such as those used to treat high blood pressure.
If frequent urination begins to negatively impact your lifestyle or you are experiencing other symptoms including pain, fever, red or dark brown urine or loss of bladder control, you should consult your doctor.
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What causes frequent urination in men?
While everyone’s urination varies day to day, experiencing frequent urination for an extended period of time could be a sign of another issue like urinary tract infection (UTI), overactive bladder, kidney disease, or diabetes.
Because of the position of the bladder in male bodies, the prostate gland can affect your toilet habits. Sometimes, an enlarged prostate will press against the urethra, blocking the flow of urine which can stimulate the bladder wall to try to overcome the obstruction. Prostate problems or having surgery/radiation therapy can also have an effect. To learn more, read our article all about prostate problems or our interview with Professor Ralph Peeker on the prostate and male urine leakage.
Increased toilet visits may also be a sign of something else. To find out more about how both men and women may be affected, read our article all about the symptoms, signs and causes of frequent urination.
What can I do about my frequent urination?
One cause of frequent urination is practising poor bladder habits like going to the bathroom ‘just in case’ or not completely emptying your bladder when you’re in a rush! This can sadly lead to poor bladder control and even incontinence. This can be improved by doing pelvic floor exercises to help you stay in control of your weak bladder and urine flow.
You should consult a doctor if you’re worried or if your increased toilet trips are coupled with other symptoms such as fever, pain in your back or side, vomiting, chills, increased appetite or thirst, fatigue, bloody or cloudy urine, or unusual discharge.
And if you do want more information on incontinence, TENA can offer the support you need.